Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Planning Ahead Games

After many years of youth ministry I have learned and played many games. I have also gotten a little lazy in picking the games. Maybe you can relate with me that as I am walking into youth group thinking what games we should play.  (Everything else is planned but just not the games) Recently i had a chance to I talk with a few of our youth and their parents they tell me how fun youth group is. I don't know how you set up your games but for us it is 1/3 of the time of youth group. (Announcements, worship, lesson and small group fill up the remaining 2/3. So I decided to go through our game books and websites and set up a game rotation so we don't just play dodge ball or kickball every week.

Feel free to take use and modify. We all do it, so here is my contribution. If you want a digital copy I will be willing to email it to you. Let me know by emailing me at Here is our list: