Monday, October 20, 2008

Quest (Jr high Retreat)

Here I am back after a great weekend with the Jr. high Students at a District run retreat entitled, Quest. We go to a beautiful location called Lake Retreat, in Ravensdale, WA. The theme this year was "Snap Shots." It was if you were to take a snap shots of different parts of your life and put it into a scrap book what would it be and would God be proud of it. Most of the students that we brought said they would like a better scrap book. They had a vision of what a cool scrap book would look like but weren't sure how to get it. Over the coarse of the weekend the students answers were answered.

Our Students loved the Blob, Paintballing, Worship, Stories by Dave (Main speaker), Purity seminar by Erik w/a K, and Identity seminar by Shawn VanDermark.

The students all came home wanting more. They wanted the weekend to be a week long. They are already dreaming of it for next year or how they are going to be able to stay in Jr high longer. So I have comprised the Top Ten reasons the jr highers can come back to quest next year.
10. Flunk a year of school.
9. Come back next year as a youth leader.
8. Ask mom and dad to hold them back a year OR two!
7. Make fake ID to say they are younger than they really are.
6. Sneak into another jr high students bag.
5. Transfer to another alliance church to attend another year.
4. Join the NEW reality TV show Erik w/a K's new BFF
3. Learn to play an instrument to join the "Not Us" band.
2. Stay in the jr high group their freshman year.
1. To build a fort in the paintball coarse and wait until next year.

(All data is comprised of what our Students said this weekend)

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