Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So as many of you know I have been training for a half marathon on Oct 16th. I run different lengths each day. Thursdays are my long run day. Well last Thursday I was running and I had a bad urge to go to the bathroom. I thought that it would go away or pass. I passed one bathroom, thought that it would go away. Then I passed another one but it would be fine. Then a few miles later I really, REALLY needed to go. (#2) It got to the point that I needed to find a place ASAP! But I kept thinking to myself that I needed to do the paperwork. Then I came up with what I thought was a great idea. So I then found a safe place on the side of the path that I could relieve myself. That was safe and secluded. I did my business and used my boxers for the clean up. No one came by and not one saw me. I left them there and got back to my run. Later I went back and picked up my undergarments. So that way I wouldn't liter. I feel like I should come up with a moral of the story... so here goes. "When the going gets tough...Don't be tough just Go."


melmac said...

I'm completely disgusted

Devin Allison said...

Sounds like a reoccurring theme...
at least there wasn't motion lights this time :)

Hannah said...

wow so basically you went running and pooped on the side of the road. sick. Also I read this to my mom and she said "doesnt he have any self respect?" and "I cant believe a PASTOR would actually write that...oh jonathan" - mama G.