Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Impact Group

On ever other Tuesday night our high school ministry has a Home groups. We entitle them Impact Groups. My group is 4 guys that are such a joy to hang out with. They are fun, random, deep, and sincere. We are going through the YS small group book "Starting." This is a great book to go through with students. The guys that are in my group are hard to get through a whole chapter in a hour and half meeting. Discussions of accountablity, encouragement, hope, faith, and discipleship. I recommend this book to anyone.

Discussions questions have been anywhere from "what has been your biggest hurt in life" to "why is it hard to believe in God?"

My guys have come to a consenses that we all have times of doubt and questioning on if God is real or not. I told them that it is ok to think that and to continue to read the Bible to search to know what they believe. They listened but itis up to them to follow through with that. Our relationship with God is personal. My job is to point students in the right direction. Each of us have a choice to search for the truth or to turn our backs. What are you going to do?

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