Wednesday, November 5, 2008

CrossOver (11-5)

This month we are speaking about Worship. Tonight we discussed what worship means and how that word applies to singing. We talked about Paul and Silias singing in jail, singing together and different ways to express that. To give our full attention to God. To show worth to God.

Next week we will be discussing "worship and the world." We will be talking about how the world influences us to worship material possessions.

Two weeks I will be speaking on "Worshiping God with your body." Romans 12:1-3

Tonight we played $1000 bill exchange. The kids loved it. Tonight was also the debut of Mario Kart at the basement. This is a great way to keep students hanging around and a way for us to connect with them. This goes great with Guitar Hero II

Annoucements: B
Fun: B-
Orderlyness: C-
Message: C+
Overall: B-

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