Sunday, January 30, 2011

Spring field first 24 hours

We have made it to the Spring field resort. The house that Jack built. (Jack Nickerson) It is a resort that has a golf coarse. It is a really beautiful place. Palm trees everywhere, geckos everywhere and other than the workers here you would never expect that you were in Thailand. It is not really what I would imagine a missions trip would be like.

The kids group is meeting at the Pavillion and the youth are meeting in Bill and I’s suite. The children are learning “Going deep with God.” The youth are doing a study called “Main Event.” Spending time with God should be our main event. The youth are awesome.

FYI bill slept and he is now doing fine. Thanks for your prayer.

I am really enjoying the International workers. Since I have gone to Simpson I learned about these guys and I see them as Heroes of the faith. That they would be willing to give up the comforts of home to go and serve. I really noticed that tonight with the talent show tonight and the videos that were sent from the States. Of Ice cream and crunch bars.

I have been enjoying the youth. We have laughed. We have spent heart-felt stories with each other. And we have played together. The kids are fun and very knowledgeable. My heart goes out to these youth. They are in a living situation that they didn’t choose. (I know that no kid has a say) but these kids are in boarding schools and international schools. I know that they don’t know the difference. So what I am saying is I really look up to these kids. They have not complained or fussed over where they live.

Speaking of candy. A dent has been made in the candy. Maybe 1/10 has been eaten so far. J Warner, I am so proud to say I serve there with the support that came in with the candy. I would love to maybe sponsor the youth for next year to do an outing together.

Tomorrow after our bible study and extended quiet time we will be going to the beach. A person has given scholarship for the youth to go on this outing. The kids are opening up with each other and trips like this help them break the ice and relate with each other. (Pictures coming soon.)

1 comment:

M Prior said...

We had a group from Garland go on this very trip. It really affected them seeing the sacrifice of the families they served, but you are right, not your "typical" mission trip staying at the resort. Praying for broken and contrite spirits and teachable hearts.