Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Jon Update

Hello All!  I (Cassie) recieved an update from the trip coordinator and my Aunt Susie letting me know the updates on their travel.  One of their flights got cancelled.  I'm just going to copy/paste the e-mail as I'm short on time myself.  And they refer to Jon as Mark's son just FYI if you were wondering why his name wasn't on the e-mail.  Ha.

Hello support team for the Bongolo work team

We all arrived save and on time in Paris this morning thinking we would be in Sunny Gabon this evening and greeting the Solvigs.

Our flight kept getting delayed, to at 5:30PM it was cancelled.  Then we waited another 1.5 hours to find out plan B

We were told the Flight from Paris to LBV is re- sched Wed evening 9PM.  Arnie you will do what you have to on the in country flights or change to a van ride down if no seats on the Friday plane.

After another hour we were all given hotel and meal vouchers.

Head count (3)

Indiana Team
Mel Steury
Lavon Yoder
Ryan Springer

Ohio (1)
Jason Kalb

West Coast Team
Mark Greene
Pastor Dave Greene
other young man Mark's son

Thank you, 

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